
Recipe of Speedy Mussels In Tomato Sauce

Recipe of Speedy Mussels In Tomato Sauce
Recipe of Speedy Mussels In Tomato Sauce

Hello everybody, welcome to my recipe site. Today I’m gonna show you how to make a special dish, Mussels In Tomato Sauce. This is one of my favourite food recipe, this time i’am gonna make it a little bit tasty. This is gonna really delicious.

Mussels In Tomato Sauce Recipe.

You can cook Mussels In Tomato Sauce using 10 ingredients and 7 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Mussels In Tomato Sauce

  1. Take of Mussels.
  2. Take 1 of Salt and pepper.
  3. It’s 1 of Onion.
  4. Make ready 2 clove of Fresh garlic.
  5. Prepare 3 tbsp of Tomato paste.
  6. Take 1/2 cup of Tomato sauce.
  7. You need 1 pinch of Fresh oregano.
  8. You need 1/2 tsp of Cumin.
  9. It’s of Olive oil.
  10. Take 1/2 of Lemon.

Mussels In Tomato Sauce instructions

  1. Wash your mussels and prepare a sauce pan..
  2. Put your mussels and add a bit of water and cover for 5-10 minutes..
  3. Drain water from sauce pan and put mussels aside..
  4. Add olive oil, and onions and cook for 1-2 minutes..
  5. Add your tomato paste, tomato sauce, salt and pepper , cumin ,garlic and lemon..
  6. Add your mussels , and fresh oregano. Cover and let it cook for 15-20 minutes..
  7. Your done! Top with some fresh parsley to taste xxx.