
Recipe of Favorite Mascarpone and courgette tart

Recipe of Favorite Mascarpone and courgette tart
Recipe of Favorite Mascarpone and courgette tart

Hello everybody, welcome to our recipe page. Today I’m gonna show you a way to make a special dish, Mascarpone and courgette tart. It is one of my favourite food recipe, this time i will make it a little bit tasty. This is gonna smell and look delicious.

Mascarpone and courgette tart Recipe. This year we have a bumper crop of courgettes from our vegetable plot and it is simply amazing how much twelve plants yield. I also made a tart last night, but haven't posted it.

You can cook Mascarpone and courgette tart using 10 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Mascarpone and courgette tart

  1. Make ready 1 sheet of ready rolled pastry.
  2. Prepare of Mascarpone cheese.
  3. You need of Tomato purée.
  4. Make ready of Sliced mushroom.
  5. Take 75 g of pancetta cubes.
  6. Prepare 1/2 of onion (sliced).
  7. Prepare of Parmesan.
  8. Prepare of Mixed herbs.
  9. Prepare to taste of Salt and pepper.
  10. Make ready of Minced garlic.

See more Salmon recipes and Tart recipes at Tesco Real Food.Use a spoon to soften the mascarpone in a bowl and stir in most of the egg yolk until it is evenly distributed; season.Etaler la pâte feuilletée dans un moule, la piquer.Ajouter l'œuf entier dans la Ajouter dessus les courgettes puis les oignons déglacés.

Mascarpone and courgette tart instructions

  1. Score a line about an inch inside the pastry sheet and place on a baking tray. then spread a layer of tomato purée and a sprinkle of mixed herbs.
  2. Add teaspoons of mascarpone spread out evenly, lightly fry onions, garlic, pancetta, mushrooms and courgette in a pan until softened..
  3. Add mixture onto tart and spread evenly, sprinkle over Parmesan cheese and bake in a preheated oven at 190 degrees for 30 minutes.

This creamy courgette tart makes for a delicious midweek meal.Make sure you slice the courgettes really thinly - not only will they look nicer, but they'll also Mix the mascarpone with half the parmesan and spread inside the border.Arrange the courgettes in overlapping rows.

Enfin rajouter la préparation au mascarpone et boursin.Quelques mots sur la recette. une délicieuse tarte salée simple à réaliser et délicieuse avec de bonnes courgettes du saumon fumé et du mascarpone.Heat the oil in a frying pan.Add spring onions, zest, mascarpone, half the Parmesan and cooking water.Mix until smooth, add gnocchi and heat through.