Recipe of Tasty Yummy fruit custard

Recipe of Tasty Yummy fruit custard
Recipe of Tasty Yummy fruit custard

Yummy fruit custard Recipe. How to prepare it? What are the ingredients? Cooking tips and more… It is one of my favourite food recipe, this time i will make it a little bit tasty.

Mixed fruit custard makes for an amazing summer dessert which not only makes for a healthy dessert but also requires very less cooking with minimal. A Fruit custard recipe for kids who don't like fruits

Here is the best “Yummy fruit custard” recipe we have found so far. This will be smell and look delicious.

Ingredients of Yummy fruit custard

  1. Prepare 1 litre of milk.
  2. Take 4 tbsp of mango flavour custard powder.
  3. You need 2 cup of fruit available ( mango,banana,apple,chiku,pomigrant.
  4. It’s 1/2 cup of mixed dry fruits.
  5. Take 125 gm of Sugar.
  6. Prepare 5 drops of vanila essence.
  7. It’s 1 tsp of rose water.
  8. Make ready Pinch of saffron/ kesar.

A fruit custard is basically made by mixing fruits with custard sauce.This delicious dessert is also known as fruit salad with custard.Some dry fruits and nuts can also be added to this fruit custard.Fruits of your choice - Apple, mango, banana, seedless grapes, pomegranate, strawberry, blue berries, nuts, raisins etc chopped.

Yummy fruit custard step by step

  1. Boil milk for 10 minutes.Add sugar and some green cardamon powder and add all dry fruits in milk and keep aside for cooling.
  2. In another bowl take cup of milk (cold) add custard powder in it and stir until gets smooth no lumps should be there.
  3. Give only one boil to custard powder added milk and it vll get thick and then remove from gas and add to 1 liter above milk made of dry fruits and milk well.
  4. At last add all available chopped fruit in it and kesarwater and vanilla essence and some rose water.
  5. Finally add some red cherries, cranberries and blueberries for seasoning (this all aur optional,if available).
  6. Here's your yummy and delicious fruit custard ready..

WELCOME TO YUMMY TODAY'S RECIPE IS Custard Fruit CakeHii guys I m going to share with u yummy 😋 recipe of 🍓fruit custard. please comment below in the comment box. and try this recipe . if u like this video.Fruit custard is one of the easiest dessert and also very tasty and healthy.

Chilled fruit custard is the perfect dessert for the summer months.Seasonal fruit like strawberries, apple, grapes, mango, banana and pomegranate are dipped in a thick, creamy and slightly sweet.Fruit custard is a delicious chilled dessert made using custard and mixed fruits.This is a very special dessert commonly made in hyderabad.It is also a popular dessert all over India.