
Recipe of Super Quick Gratin with Bocchan Kabocha Squash

Recipe of Super Quick Gratin with Bocchan Kabocha Squash
Recipe of Super Quick Gratin with Bocchan Kabocha Squash

Hey everyone, welcome to my recipe site. Today I’m gonna show you how to make a distinctive dish, Gratin with Bocchan Kabocha Squash. It is one of my favourite food recipe, this time i’am gonna make it a little bit tasty. This is gonna really delicious.

Gratin with Bocchan Kabocha Squash Recipe. Kabocha Gratin with a Japanese twist is the ultra comfort food in cold weather months. I love taking the kabocha gratin out of the oven with its golden baked cheese still bubbling around the edges.

You can cook Gratin with Bocchan Kabocha Squash using 13 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Gratin with Bocchan Kabocha Squash

  1. Make ready 2 of Bocchan kabocha squash (Japanese mini pumpkin).
  2. It’s 100 grams of Ground chicken.
  3. Make ready 1 of Onion.
  4. Prepare 1 of Carrot.
  5. You need 2 of Potatoes.
  6. Take 6 of Button mushrooms.
  7. It’s 1/2 bunch of Shimeji mushrooms.
  8. Take 2 tbsp of Flour.
  9. Prepare 3 grams of Additive-free consomme granules.
  10. You need 300 ml of Milk.
  11. Make ready 4 tbsp of Pizza cheese.
  12. Make ready 2 tsp of Panko.
  13. Prepare 1 of Fresh parsley.

Uncover and pluck out rosemary sprigs, leaving leaves inside pot.Transfer entire mixture to a medium Bake gratin until crumbs are toasty and brown and sausages are cooked through (you can insert an instant-read thermometer into center of sausage.It's best with Japanese pumpkin (kabocha), but I imagine that acorn squash or butternut squash would also be delicious!Serve warm with a light salad–this is a very rich dish!

Gratin with Bocchan Kabocha Squash instructions

  1. Gratin sauce: Cut the onion, carrot and potato into 1 cm pieces. Microwave until soft (reference: 5 minutes in 1000 W). Heat a pot with butter and add ground chicken, onion, carrot, potato, shimeji mushrooms, button mushrooms and saute..
  2. When the pot contents have wilted, add flour and continue sautéing. Add milk a little at a time and mix well as you add milk. Add consomme granules and when the sauce has thickened, it is done..
  3. Wash the kabocha squash, wrap in plastic wrap while it is still moist and microwave until softened (reference: 5 minutes in 1000 W). Be careful not to heat it up too much..
  4. Cut about 1/4 of the upper part of the squash and scoop out the seeds inside..
  5. Stuff the gratin in the squash and sprinkle cheese, panko and parsley and bake it in an oven until browned..

Kabocha Gratin with a Japanese twist is the ultra comfort food in cold weather months.Tender chunks of sweet kabocha, umami mushrooms and macaroni in a.When squash is tender, remove saucepan from heat.

Kabocha squash, also known as Japanese pumpkin, is perfect for roasting, stuffing, pureeing, and more.This versatile winter squash will soon become your Kabocha squash has endless savory and sweet applications and takes well to a plethora of cooking methods.Try swapping it into recipes that.Kabocha squash, chocolate and olive oil make a delicious combination in this cake, adapted from LA's Gjelina restaurant cookbook.Quinoa Salad with Gomasio Roasted Kabocha Squash + A Giveaway!