
Recipe of Favorite Mango Salsa mini tacos πŸ’›

Recipe of Favorite Mango Salsa mini tacos πŸ’›
Recipe of Favorite Mango Salsa mini tacos πŸ’›

Hello everybody, welcome to our recipe page. Today I’m gonna show you how to prepare a distinctive dish, Mango Salsa mini tacos πŸ’›. It is one of my favourite food recipe, this time i will make it a little bit tasty. This will be smell and look delicious.

Mango Salsa mini tacos πŸ’› Recipe. Check out these tasty #MiniMexican Soft Taco recipes! Easy and quick bite sized tacos, perfect for the family dinner or as appetizers when you have a dinner.

You can have Mango Salsa mini tacos πŸ’› using 10 ingredients and 9 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Mango Salsa mini tacos πŸ’›

  1. Take 12-14 of lays chips large.
  2. You need 1 of ripe mango large.
  3. Make ready 1 of onion medium.
  4. It’s 1 of tomato medium.
  5. Take 1 of green chilli.
  6. You need half of lemon.
  7. You need 1 of tabl spn fresh corrinader.
  8. It’s to taste of salt.
  9. Take 1 pinch of chat masala.
  10. Take 1 of tabl spn mayo.

I can confirm that it goes well with chips, guacamole and black bean tacos.It was a big hit at my friend's potluck dinner!You could also serve it on salad or just eat it straight out of the bowl as a salad.Delicious mahi mahi is topped with mango salsa for this refreshing Hawaiian-style fish taco.

Mango Salsa mini tacos πŸ’› instructions

  1. Finely chop the onion like this.
  2. Finely chop tomato.
  3. Dice the mango like this.
  4. Finely chop 1 green chilli and corrinader and take half lemon.
  5. For mango salasa.
  6. In a mixing bowl add chopped onion green chilli mango tomato coriander.squeeze half of lemon and add pinch of salt and toast.
  7. In a serving platter Place big lays chips of your fav flavur I used youghurt and mix herbs and some french cheese.
  8. Place the mango salsa on chips and garnish with mayo.
  9. In the end sprinkle a pinch of chaat masala and serve with some mango salsa..

It's made with ripe mangos, crunchy bell peppers, zingy red onion, zesty cilantro, spicy It is delicious plain as a salad, with chips as an appetizer or as a topping for tacos, salads, grilled chicken, pork or fish.No matter how you serve this.This mango salsa would be fantastic on fish tacos or just about any fresh, Mexican-themed dish, really.

A very healthy and Hawaiian-style fish taco.For a heartier taco add some coleslaw on top of the mango salsa.This easy grilling recipe is one "winner" of a meal that you're family will fall in love with!Deliciously seasoned salmon fillet tacos topped with mango avocado salsa & cilantro-yogurt sauce.These tacos are piled high with the most simple, dang amazing, chili-lime rubbed salmon + mango avocado salsa + cilantro-yogurt sauce that is basically an open invitation for all of your sauce needs.