
Recipe of Perfect Catfish peppersoup with pototoes

Recipe of Perfect Catfish peppersoup with pototoes
Recipe of Perfect Catfish peppersoup with pototoes

Hello everybody, welcome to my recipe site. Today I’m gonna show you how to make a special dish, Catfish peppersoup with pototoes. It is one of my favourite food recipe, this time i will make it a little bit tasty. This is gonna smell and look delicious.

Catfish peppersoup with pototoes Recipe. Cat Fish Pepper soup is an absolute fav. See how In this video i shared how i make my delicious catfish pepper soup.

You can have Catfish peppersoup with pototoes using 5 ingredients and 8 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Catfish peppersoup with pototoes

  1. Take of Fresh catfish.
  2. You need of Irish pototoes.
  3. Take of Kayan miya.
  4. It’s of Maggi n any species of ur choice.
  5. Take of Oil.

Pepper soup is basically a fish broth cooked with spices.I substituted catfish with porgy and the yam with sweet potato as that's what I had handy.Cooked your yam and catfish pepper soup yesterday and it was a success.Catfish peppersoup is a popular Nigerian soup dish.

Catfish peppersoup with pototoes instructions

  1. Da farko xaki tafasa ruwa sai ki xuba catfish dinki a bowl babba sai ki xuba wannan ruwan xafin a kai ki barshi yyi kmr 3mint haka.
  2. Sai ki wanke ta sosai xakiga duk santsin jiki yayo sama duk ki wanke shi.
  3. Sai ki tsane ta a colander.
  4. Sai ki dauko dankalin ki ki feraye shi ki wanke ki ajeye shi aside.
  5. Sai kiyi grating kayan miyan ki ki dora mai a wuta ki soya su sai ki xuba species dinki d maggi sai ki xuba ruwa a ciki daidai yadda kike bukatar yawansa sai ki kawo dankalin ki ki xuba sai ki rufe ki barshi y tafasa.
  6. Bayan y tafasa sai ki yanka albasa a ciki.
  7. Sai ki kawo catfish dinki ki xuba a hankali ki rage wutar sai ki rufe ki barshi y dahu ba'son a juya sbd kar y dagargaje.
  8. Sai ki kashe gas dinki ki xuba a plate kiyi serving.

Nigerian Catfish Pepper Soup [Video] Even if you can get Nigerian Pepper Soup in any road side.Catfish Pepper Soup is called 'point and kill", because of how the fish is picked up at the local Nigerian market.At the market, you'll be told to point out your fish of choice from a large bowl of tight swimming fishes; the catfish is then killed, wrapped up for you and.

Catfish peppersoup is a popular Nigerian dish.I love Catfish Peppersoup known as Point and Kill.My trip home to Warri last week refreshed this meal in my memories and I just.A Point and kill, Is a delicious delicacy enjoyed by Nigerians, it can be enjoyed with White Rice and Agidi.Catfish in Miso Sour Soup (Sinigang sa Miso).