Recipe of Appetizing Noodle Soup a.k.a Mee Soup

Recipe of Appetizing Noodle Soup a.k.a Mee Soup
Recipe of Appetizing Noodle Soup a.k.a Mee Soup

Noodle Soup a.k.a Mee Soup Recipe. How to prepare it? What are the ingredients? Cooking tips and more… This is one of my favourite food recipe, this time i’am gonna make it a little bit tasty.

There are two different types of prawn noodle soup in Singapore and Malaysia. The Penang version has sambal chilli added to the soup that gives it a hot and.

Here is the best “Noodle Soup a.k.a Mee Soup” recipe we have found until now. This is gonna smell and look delicious.

Ingredients of Noodle Soup a.k.a Mee Soup

  1. Make ready 1 portion of wet noodle (you can use dried noodle as well, boil and drain it, mix with a bit of oil).
  2. Prepare of Mushroom, sliced (any mushroom will do).
  3. Prepare of Any meat, thin sliced (optional). Marinate with a bit of oil, salt and white pepper ±10 mins.
  4. You need of Any veggies (I use Chinese cabbage), cut normal size.
  5. Make ready 1 inch of fresh ginger, thin sliced.
  6. Prepare 1/4 of onion, thin sliced vertically.
  7. Make ready Pinch of salt.
  8. It’s Pinch of white pepper.
  9. Make ready 2 cloves of garlic, minced.
  10. Prepare of Spring onion, chopped.
  11. Prepare of Parsley or celery, chopped.
  12. Make ready 1 bowl of water.

When I first saw this recipe in Lace.Noodle soup refers to a variety of soups with noodles and other ingredients served in a light broth.Noodle soup is common dish across East and Southeast Asia.Also known as har mee, this hawker classic uses prawn shells and heads to develop its signature, full-flavoured broth.

Noodle Soup a.k.a Mee Soup instructions

  1. Boil the water, put on onion and ginger until fragrant, add on meat and mushroom until the meat changing color, then add on veggies. When the veggies cooked enough, put on chopped celery and spring onion, salt and white pepper, stir a while. Done.
  2. Soak the wet noodle into another boiling water ± 2 mins, then drain. Put into a bowl..
  3. Heat up 2 tablespoon of oil, fry the minced garlic until turn into golden. Pour onto the noodle, mix well..
  4. Serve with the soup, you can mix them or serve in two separate bowl.

But this Curry Mee (curry noodle soup) recipe in particular brings me back to fond memories of getting Malaysian food at a restaurant called The term "Malaysian Chinese" entered my consciousness, and I began to regularly crave bowls of "curry mee," the yellow curry noodle soup that inspired this post.Hae Mee, or Hokkien prawn mee noodle soup, is a popular dish in Singapore and Malaysia, It is a wonderful take on the Hokkien food originating from Taiwan and the southeast of China.The cuisine has been popularized in coastal city homes all over the continent.

Do as the locals do and save shells and heads used for cooking other dishes in the freezer until you have enough - the more, the better the broth. · Mee Suah Soup (Wheat Vermicelli Soup) - a quick and easy comfort food that takes only minutes to prepare.Add or substitute with ground pork for a heartier Hakka Flat Noodle Soup (Pan Mee) - Dish of noodles with anchovies soup base.Make Pan Mee at home with this easy.Meatballs are ubiquitous in Asian noodle soups.What makes the Indonesian bakso different?