
Recipe of Speedy Chicken Macaroni Party Platter

Recipe of Speedy Chicken Macaroni Party Platter
Recipe of Speedy Chicken Macaroni Party Platter

Hey everyone, welcome to my recipe site. Today I will show you how to make a distinctive dish, Chicken Macaroni Party Platter. It is one of my favourite food recipe, this time i’am gonna make it a little bit tasty. This will be smell and look delicious.

Chicken Macaroni Party Platter Recipe. Chicken Macaroni, Mazedar Chicken Macaroni, Chicken Pasta, Kids Favourite, (PK). Macaroni Party Pasta Platter Colorful & Tasty Presentable Recipe for any Dawat in Urdu Hindi - RKK.

You can have Chicken Macaroni Party Platter using 20 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Chicken Macaroni Party Platter

  1. Take Half kg of chicken boneless.
  2. Prepare 6 tbs of oil.
  3. Take 1 tbs of garlic paste.
  4. Make ready 1 tbs of ginger paste.
  5. Prepare of Bell pepper 1 red, 1 green, one orange(According to choice).
  6. Take of Chopped carrots 🥕.
  7. It’s half cup of Corn 🌽 seeds (Optional).
  8. It’s of Mushrooms acc to choice if available(Optional).
  9. You need half cup of Spring onions Chopped.
  10. You need 1 of Pink onion Chopped small sized.
  11. Prepare 2 of tomatoes chopped or half cup tomato purree/paste.
  12. It’s 2 tbs of chicken powder or 2 knorr cubes.
  13. It’s 2 tbs of soya sauce.
  14. It’s 1 tbs of veniger.
  15. Make ready Half of tbs chat masala.
  16. Prepare 2 of Green chillies Chopped.
  17. Prepare 1 tbs of white pepper if not available go for black pepper.
  18. Make ready Half tbs of chilli flakes.
  19. It’s of Salt to taste(knorr cubes/ chicken powder+soya sauce have salt).
  20. Prepare 1 pound of Macaroni.

Some of the delicacies vary from restaurant to restaurant (usually they will list the items as part of the description, and then you can probably look elsewhere on the menu to get a full description of each of the items listed).Sometimes, they bring the whole thing out on this big tray.A zesty chicken dish for the BBQ or the griddle pan.Hosting an office party, a family party or just a Sunday afternoon with friends?

Chicken Macaroni Party Platter instructions

  1. First add water in a pan, and 1 tbs oil and macaroni for boiling. When get soft and we'll boiled then sieve it and put cold runny water over it to stop further cooking otherwise it will get sticky. Then add sieved macaroni into bowl and add half tbs oil that they may not get sticky. Boiled macaroni is ready..
  2. Now add 3 tbs oil into fry pan and add garlic, ginger. Allow it to cook well and to be turned into golden in colour. When fully cooked add 1 tbs soya sauce, 1 chicken knorr cube or 1 tbs powder. Then add all spices into chicken enlisted in ingredients section. When well cooked,turn off the flame..
  3. Add 3 tbs oil into another fry pan and add these ingredients:Mushrooms, corn, Bell peppers,spring onion, onion tomatoes chopped, carrots 🥕, soya sauce 1 tbs, half tbs veniger, chat masala, chicken powder or cube. Give it a stir fry..
  4. These three steps should be done simultaneously, at same time to save time..
  5. When all steps done take a dish platter and first arrange veg layer then in middle put macaroni and at top add chicken cubes curry..
  6. Sprinkle chat masala, black pepper. Dish is ready..

Kids and elders love to eat macaroni anytime.Order party platters for any event or party online at Sandwich Baron.We cater for all events in Gauteng, from corporate parties to weddings.

Thick chicken soup perfectly pairs with macaroni, rotisserie-roasted chicken chunks, fresh broccoli and crunchy croutons.Macaroni, Ravioli, Meatball, Sausage, Eggplant, Peppers and choice of Chicken or Veal Cutlet.Choice of Soup, Salad or French Fries.Crispy chicken breast strips served with plum dipping sauce, two family-size sides, and eight Signature Biscuits.Hand-dipped, tossed in coconut batter, and fried golden brown.