Recipe of Appetizing Boondi ki kadhi

Recipe of Appetizing Boondi ki kadhi
Recipe of Appetizing Boondi ki kadhi

Boondi ki kadhi Recipe. How to prepare it? What are the ingredients? Cooking tips and more… It is one of my favourite food recipe, this time i’am gonna make it a little bit tasty.

Boondi Kadhi is very tasty dish and can be prepared easily. Kadhi is basically combination of gram flour and sour curd and boondi.

Here is the best “Boondi ki kadhi” recipe we have found so far. This will be smell and look delicious.

Ingredients of Boondi ki kadhi

  1. Prepare 500 gm of curd whisked.
  2. Prepare 2 Tsp of gram flour.
  3. It’s 1 Tsp of Cumin seeds.
  4. Prepare 1 Tsp of fenugreek seeds.
  5. You need 2 Tsp of turmric powder.
  6. Make ready 1 Tsp of chilli powder.
  7. Make ready 1 Tsp of black salt.
  8. It’s 1 Tsp of coriander powder.
  9. You need 1 Tsp of karaway.
  10. Make ready of Salt to tastes.
  11. It’s 1 of onion chopped in long.
  12. Make ready 1 Tsp of garlic crushed.
  13. Take 1 Tsp of ginger crushed.
  14. You need 100 GM of boondi.
  15. Make ready 1 Tsp of curry leaves fresh.
  16. It’s 2 Tsp of fried onion in Desi ghee.
  17. It’s 2 Tsp of mustred oil.

Boondi ki Kadhi- Boondi kadhi has a unique taste as every bite contains a taste of boondi dipped in kadhi.Boondi kadhi is an amazing variation to a typical Punjabi kadhi recipe.Pakora Kadhi is very famous, but boondi kadhi has a unique taste as every bite contains a taste of boondi dipped in kadhi.Punjabi Style Boondi Kadhi is a yogurt based side dish made with curd and gram flour.

Boondi ki kadhi step by step

  1. Take a Heat pan,add mustred oil.let it hot.add fenugreek, çumin seeds,let it cracle..
  2. Add onion,Fry it Brown..
  3. Add Green chilli..
  4. Fry add things together Brown..
  5. Add whisk curd & mix it well.let it boil 10 miniutes..
  6. Now add gram this batter we added turmric powder, chilli, coriander powder Ajwain,black salt,.
  7. After 10 miniutes add boondi.boil it 1 miniute..
  8. Remove the flame,add salt mix it..
  9. Garnish it with fried curry leaves & fried it main course dish,serve it any time with plain rice & chapatis..

This Curd based Boondi kadhi is awesome in taste so try it out and make your tummy happy.Boondi ki kadhi is very easy to make yet taste awesome, it is the favourite kadhi of my family.Kadhi is made with gramflour/besan and there are numerous varieties of kadhi's you can make with besan.

Serve it with Bajre ki Roti, Gur and a dollopof ghee on top.Kadhi is usually made with pakodis (dumplings) in it but I just tried this out because I was too lazy to make pakodis and the dish turned out to be a super hit!!Boondi Ki Kadhi Recipe- How to Make Perfect Kadhi at Home#PDFOODS. boondi ki kadhi recipe/ बूंदी की कढ़ी/mummy or tasty boondi ki kadhi.Bundi kadhi is an amazing variation to a typical Punjabi kadhi recipe.