Recipe of Perfect Rava laddoo

Recipe of Perfect Rava laddoo
Recipe of Perfect Rava laddoo

Rava laddoo Recipe. How to set it up? What are the ingredients? Cooking tips and more… It is one of my favourite food recipe, this time i’am gonna make it a little bit tasty.

Rava laddu is a South Indian Sweet made with semolina, sugar, ghee, cashews and raisins. Rava is the Indian term for semolina & laddu are sweet balls.

Here is the best “Rava laddoo” recipe we have found so far. This will be smell and look delicious.

Ingredients of Rava laddoo

  1. Take 1/2 glass of suji.
  2. Prepare 1/2 glass of sugar powder.
  3. It’s as per your taste of Dry fruits.
  4. Take 3-5 tbsp of Ghee.
  5. You need 1/4 cup of Milk.

This rava laddu is Maharashtrian style recipe which I have learned from my aunt.Rava ladoo (or laddu) is a popular Indian sweet-treat enjoyed during festivities.Rava Ladoo Recipe is a simple to make and delicious sweet that is made from slow-roasted semolina, cashew nuts and homemade ghee.This is a traditional sweet that usually made during many festivals like Diwali, Ganesh Chaturthi, weddings or even when there is a small occasion in the family.

Rava laddoo instructions

  1. Take a pan and add 2 tbsp ghee and add suji and fry until the raw smell goes.
  2. Add powdered sugar and dryfruits then add milk and 2 tbsp ghee.
  3. Mix all the added items with spoon till it cools down.
  4. Now, make round ladoos with the mixture.
  5. Yummy mouth watering ladoos are ready to eat! 😋.

Rava ladoo is a popular Indian sweet made during festivals.You can even call rava ladoo as sweet semolina balls.In Hindi, we call it as suji ke laddu.

Sooji or rava ladoo is one of the easiest Diwali sweet that you can make in few minutes.These are sweet balls made using semolina (sooji/rava), ghee (clarified butter) and sugar.Ladoo is the Indian name for any sweet which is round in shape!For making this ladoo, you first need to roast the sooji, stirring it continuously.Rava ladoo is a traditional Maharashtrian sweet.