Recipe of Delicious Teri kacang pedas manis (spicy anchovy peanut)

Recipe of Delicious Teri kacang pedas manis (spicy anchovy peanut)
Recipe of Delicious Teri kacang pedas manis (spicy anchovy peanut)

Teri kacang pedas manis (spicy anchovy peanut) Recipe. How to set it up? What are the ingredients? Cooking tips and more… It is one of my favourite food recipe, this time i will make it a little bit tasty.

My Recipe‎ > ‎Fish-Shrimp-Seafood‎ > ‎. Teri Kacang Pedas (Spicy Anchovy & Peanut).

Here is the best “Teri kacang pedas manis (spicy anchovy peanut)" recipe we have found so far. This is gonna really delicious.

Ingredients of Teri kacang pedas manis (spicy anchovy peanut)

  1. It’s 350 g of raw peanut with skin.
  2. Prepare 250 g of raw anchovy.
  3. You need 7 of bird eye chilli.
  4. Prepare 2 of red chilli.
  5. You need 5 of shallots.
  6. Prepare 3 of garlics.
  7. It’s 3 of lime leaves.
  8. It’s 1/2 of tomatoe (cut dice).
  9. Make ready 1 tsp of shrimp paste.
  10. You need of Salt.
  11. Prepare of Pepper.
  12. Prepare of White vinegar.
  13. Prepare of Sugar.
  14. Make ready of Cooking oil.

Cara membuatnya: *Siapkan tepung terigu, garam, bawang putih masukan ke dalam wadah, siram dengan.Pilih rasa: * Kacang Bawang * Kacang Pedas Thailand * Kacang Thailand Manis Asin. ready stock.Resipi klasik ini memang wajib dicuba oleh peminat makan pedas.Untuk sedikit kelainan, anda boleh juga tambahkan tauhu dan tempe goreng untuk dinikmati dengan sambal ini.

Teri kacang pedas manis (spicy anchovy peanut) instructions

  1. Wash the peanut and anchovy separately. Heat a pan, put some cooking oil, fry the peanut with a low heat fire until golden brown..
  2. With the same oil, fry the anchovy until.golden brown then set aside..
  3. Blend red eye chilli, bird eye chilli, shallots, garlic, and shrimp paste..
  4. Remove all oil from the pan, and bring the blended spice in. Fry until it is fragrant, then add the lime leaves. Season with salt, pepper, and sugar..
  5. Put the anchovy and peanut in, stir well to avoid burning of the sugar..

Muricang perpaduan dari: - Mustofa Kentang Balado - Teri Medan - dan Kacang Tanah.Muricang (Mustofa Teri Kacang) Pedas Manis.PRODUKSI Kacang MATAHARI TERBIT rasa asin, manis, pedas, bawang, sangrai.

Gabungan masakan Melayu dan Korea ini memberikan sedikit kelainan kepada lauk ikan masak pedas ini.Jengkol Jengkol Bumbu Kacang Pedas Manis.Jumpa lgi di thread ane, Abella Citra.Semoga selalu dalam lindungan Allah Swt.Tahu gak Sista, Mamah tuh beli jengkol.