
Recipe of Delicious Bread Dahi vada

Recipe of Delicious Bread Dahi vada
Recipe of Delicious Bread Dahi vada

Hello everybody, welcome to our recipe page. Today I will show you a way to make a special dish, Bread Dahi vada. This is one of my favourite food recipe, this time i will make it a little bit tasty. This will be really delicious.

Bread Dahi vada Recipe. Bread dahi vada is a quick and delicious version of the original dal - lentil vadas. There is no soaking of lentil required, no grinding and no frying required; this is an instant version of dahi vada.

You can have Bread Dahi vada using 9 ingredients and 2 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Bread Dahi vada

  1. Take 500 gms of sweetcurd.
  2. Prepare 4 tablespoons of sugar.
  3. Prepare 1 packet of bread.
  4. You need 1 cup of sugar water.
  5. Prepare handful of Fresh chopped coriander.
  6. Take As required of Kashmiri red chilli powder.
  7. Make ready As per taste of Chaat masala.
  8. Take As required of Crushed Jaggery.
  9. Make ready As per taste of salt.

Dahi Vada has a special place in North Indian Chaat Recipes.Instant bread dahi vada is a vada recipe with bread slices topped with beaten curd.The bread slices are soaked and stuffed with onion, roasted peanuts filling and spices and then rolled up like a vada.Bread dahi Vada with fruits has to be one of the easiest and quickest recipes.

Bread Dahi vada instructions

  1. Take 500 gms curd, 4 tablespoons,sugar, Pinch of salt.Beat it with hand whisk or electronic beater. Refrigerate it 15 mins..
  2. For bread vada: Cut out the edges of the bread Make sugar syrup by adding sugar and water. Soak the bread in it one by one and make small wadas of it.Pour the curd on it. Garnish it with red chilli powder,chaat masala and crushed jaggery and Sprinkle some coriander on it..

Where no pre preparations and deep frying is needed.Instant Bread Dahi Vada recipe that is Non fried, quick and easy to make.Soft, melt in mouth and rich like Shahi Dahi Vada.

These are perfect for evening snack, kitty parties or for serving.About Bread Dahi Vada Recipe: An innovative twist to the usual dahi vada!This one made with bread crumbs and cottage cheese.Bread Dahi Vada- Dahi vada is a popular snack or street food of Northern India.It is a deep fried snack made with white lentil or urad daal.