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Simple Way to Make Favorite Quick potato veggie with chapati 😊(katli with roti) #mycookbook

Simple Way to Make Favorite Quick potato veggie with chapati 😊(katli with roti) #mycookbook
Simple Way to Make Favorite Quick potato veggie with chapati 😊(katli with roti) #mycookbook

Hello everybody, I hope you are having an amazing day. Today I’m gonna show you a way to prepare a distinctive dish, Quick potato veggie with chapati 😊(katli with roti) #mycookbook. It is one of my favourite food recipe, this time i’am gonna make it a little bit tasty. This will be really delicious.

Quick potato veggie with chapati 😊(katli with roti) #mycookbook Recipe. Onion coconut curry -Super Side Dish for Chapati,idly ,dosa and Rice.!!! Roti is generally a South Asian bread made from stoneground whole wheat flour, traditionally known as atta flour, that originated and is consumed in India.

You can cook Quick potato veggie with chapati 😊(katli with roti) #mycookbook using 4 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Quick potato veggie with chapati 😊(katli with roti) #mycookbook

  1. You need 4 of potatoes medium, 1 onion sliced,1 tsp zeera.
  2. It’s 7-8 of Kashmiri whole red chilli (less heat and give colour).
  3. You need 1 pinch of turmeric and red chilli powder and 1/2 tbsn salt(acc to u).
  4. Prepare of Dough 2 cups wheat flour,1 1/2 cup warm water,1 tsp salt and oil.

I always have leftover chapati after mealtime and it becomes dry over time.I do a stir-fry, chapati upma or kothu with leftover chapati.Its a wonderful way to give life to dry chapatis.I make it all the time for my sons lunch box and he loves it.

Quick potato veggie with chapati 😊(katli with roti) #mycookbook instructions

  1. Peel the potatoes, slice round from top wise,nor thick nor thin..medium. (katli mean flat potatoes).
  2. Now slice onion and cut red chillies. Now heat 3 tbsn oil and add all three..as pic.when it's slight colour change add 1 pinch of turmeric and chilli powder and salt and mix.
  3. Now add the potatoes mix and cover the lid..
  4. Cover the lid with cloth.so steam remains inside. After 2 mins just stir it gently.now let it cook on slow flame till 5 to 10 mins.but keep check in between. When done sprinkle some coriander leaves..
  5. Dough…knead as above ingredients…make chapati.
  6. Serve hot potato veggie with hot chapati/flatbread enjoy😊Please subscribe my #youtube blog Tanvi.s 25 yummy food blog for free and help me grow.take care and be safeπŸ‘.

This traditional Indian side dish is easier than you think and only takes a handful of ingredients.We can't resist a warm chapati with our favourite curry. : The chapati will absorb all the oil quickly. : The chapati will be hard and chewy if not eaten within few hours from making it. : If you want the chapati to stay soft longer I'm Muna, I am a full-time food blogger, editor, and food photographer.On my blog, you'll find delicious and quick to prepare recipes!

We love whole wheat chapati as its quick to make and very healthy.Made from the super ingredient whole wheat flour which is packed with phosphorus Whether they like to have it with subzi and dal, rolled up with grated veggies and cheese, or with a layer of jam, the Chapati is much-loved by kids.Chapati, sometimes also spelled chapatti or called roti, is an ancient unleavened flatbread that's common in Indian, East African, and Caribbean cuisine.The basic recipe includes either all white flour or a combination of both white and whole wheat flour combined with salt, warm water, and sometimes.Chapatis can be reheated but they're best cooked fresh.