Simple Way to Prepare Perfect Bread pizza

Simple Way to Prepare Perfect Bread pizza
Simple Way to Prepare Perfect Bread pizza

Bread pizza Recipe. How to prepare it? What are the ingredients? Cooking tips and more… It is one of my favourite food recipe, this time i will make it a little bit tasty.

Bread pizza recipe with stove-top & oven instructions. Bread pizza is a quick Snack recipe made with whole grain bread, tomato pizza sauce, cheese and veggies.

Here is the best “Bread pizza” recipe we have found so far. This will be really delicious.

Ingredients of Bread pizza

  1. Prepare 1 packet of Bread slice.
  2. You need as required of Oil.
  3. Make ready as required of Tomato ketchup.
  4. It’s as required of Grated cheese.
  5. It’s 2 of Onions, chopped.
  6. Prepare 2 of Capsicums, chopped.
  7. You need 1 of Tomato chopped.
  8. Prepare 1/2 of Cabbage chopped.
  9. Take 1/2 bowl of fresh homemade cream.
  10. Make ready 1/2 bowl of rawa.
  11. It’s As per taste of Salt and red chilli powder.
  12. Make ready 1/2 teaspoon of hot spices.

For the toppings, you can use veggies of your choice.See more ideas about Recipes, Food, Cooking recipes.Bread pizza is a super quick snack that can be made in microwave.It's cheesy and yummy after school snacks. quick Plain cheese or vegetable cheese recipe variation is bread pizza made with sandwich bread slice as its base with an instant pizza sauce. well, this is my second attempt for the pizza bread recipe. in my first video post, i had used.

Bread pizza instructions

  1. Take a slice of bread..
  2. Apply the mixture (onion+capcicum+cabbage+tomato+fresh cream+rawa)..
  3. In the mixture add salt and red chilli+hot spices..
  4. Apply the mixture on the bread. Now in a pan apply butter or oil and roast the slice of bed firstly on the side of the mixture continued by the other side..
  5. When the mixture gets lightly cooked and the colour turns brown switch off the flame..
  6. Serve the well cooked bread pizza with tomato ketchup..

If you are craving for pizza and don't have time to prepare the dough and let it rise this is best solution.Bread Pizza Recipe with step by step photos and video.The bread base mimics the pizza base with veggie toppings.

Bread pizza consists of whole wheat bread, pizza sauce and cheese.Looking for a super quick and easy snack recipe?We have one of the quickest pizza which is bread pizza.Bread pizza is one of the quickest snacks that you can make with minimal ingredients.All you need is of course some bread slices, veggies of your choice, pizza sauce, cheese and some seasoning.